关于我们 About

OfferIN Consulting

无论是读书还是职业发展生涯,每一封OFFER都意味着人生的转折,如何抉择找出做适合自己的航向?你或许对如何做出人生的选择彷徨不定,或许为目前困难重重的职业发展道路挣扎不已,让OfferIN 帮你找到完全不同的视角,重新审视那个完全不同的自己,创造充满激情的未来。
  • 精准独特有深度地个人能力评估系统
  • 深度挖掘个人潜质提高个人优势竞争力
  • 长期规划与职业训练进程相互结合提高问题的解决能力
  • 人生目标的激励与可行性发展方案相结合构建个人发展社交生态系统

Offer IN

You've waited a long time for this. You've worked hard. You've filled out countless forms, taken every test, and faced several tough interviews.  All of your efforts have been leading up to this. The Big Envelope.  The Offer Letter. Our mission is to guide you to this point and beyond.  We offer our experience and expertise in college admissions as well as career development to get you the offer that's right for you.   
Our Story
Everyone faces these struggles:  Which university is best suited for my area of study and my personal development?  How can I maximize my chances of admission?  What do I do after graduation?  How can I be competitive in an ever-changing global job market?
Today, information is easier than ever to obtain, yet the same questions remain.  Offer In aims to help you find your own answers to those questions.  We are a team of young professionals committed to helping you realize your full potential.
The Offer In Promise
Unlike other college counseling services, our relationship with you doesn't end the day you start college.  We understand that higher education and eventually, employment, is a connected process.  At each step, we want to help you put your best foot forward.  Think of us as your partners on this journey.  Let's get going!